A school graduation gift


Graduating from school is an extremely important step for youngsters. After years and years of classes, homework, study and exams, the time has come when they can abandon their school desks. And not without a little sadness! The friendships born in the classrooms, the camaraderie that has developed between classmates – and even with teachers – will be among the things they that remember most fondly in the future, when they recall this time as they are preparing for yet another university exam or for a new job.

Such an important event deserves to be celebrated: a happy and carefree period is coming to a close, catapulting young boys and girls directly into the world of adulthood. Has someone you love recently finished their school exams? Letting them know that you are there for them and that they have your support during this period of transition is not always easy. There are many things to think about, which are highly important for their future and for their career: support from loved ones is extremely important during times like these.

A small but precious token will help to communicate your affection for youngsters who have just completed high school. What should you gift someone to mark their graduation? Here are our suggestions, depending on the sentiment that you wish to communicate to the boy or girl who will receive it!

The time for having fun has finally arrived!

Before thinking of anything else, let’s not forget that it is summer. Youngsters should enjoy their summer holidays, like never before, happy and carefree: a small gift to themselves for having passed their end of school exams!

And if youngsters are currently too preoccupied to think about their future, why not remind them to allow themselves a little rest and relaxation to revitalise both mind and body?

Say it with Nomination! Especially for her, the Link with a pink flamingo, symbolises summer perfectly. Wearing it on bracelets, T-shirts and accessories is an unstoppable trend this summer: what symbol could be better for reminding a school leaver to enjoy their summer?

Composable Classic Link Flamingo
Composable Classic Bracelet with Cocktail and Hat

And for him? The best jewelry to gift a boy to celebrate his school graduation is a Composable bracelet that is perfect for the summer: the Miami collection bracelet with a cocktail and hat, to remind him to enjoy some rest and relaxation before turning to think about his career and future.

Heart-felt wishes for a friend

What better way is there to wish a friend luck after they have completed their end of school exams than with a special gift? Graduating from school is an important step that we all take during our lifetime: a Composable Link will symbolise this moment for ever, as a charm for your personalised bracelet.

All the support and happiness that you feel in a moment like this, encapsulated within a Link: this is the knot, dedicated to friendship and perfect for wishing somebody a bright and colourful future! For a unique and special wish, choose to engrave a Composable Link with a personalised message: the Double Link in yellow gold is perfect for sending special wishes to a friend.

Time to travel: towards new plans and unknown destinations

After graduating from school, what comes next? Each youngster’s plans for the future can vary: some dream of embarking upon long journeys to discover the world and find direction for their own future, while others speed towards further study, a career and other things. Whatever is planned, life is a journey that leads towards extraordinary destinations and plans: choose a gift that will symbolise this thought over time.

Perfect for both boys and girls, the Composable Classic Bracelet with a motorbike from the Miami collection is a piece of jewelry that will lead those who receive it towards fantastic destinations, waiting to be discovered.

Composable Bracelet with Motorcycle
Composable Bracelet with Bella La Vita double Link in rose gold

You can also gift an elegant and feminine rose gold bracelet. dedicated to her. Even when there are many challenges to be confronted, a light that will illuminate the right way is just around the corner: Life is beautiful!

This motto will guide a newly graduated youngster in their future, with many dreams and plans.

The amulet that leads straight towards the future

Sometimes a pinch of luck doesn’t hurt – especially if you are preparing to take an entirely new road. Choose the good-luck amulet which will accompany the person who receives it on their journey into the future. The Composable bracelet with a birth stone for each month makes a perfect and much-loved gift, to be carried at all times like a talisman.

Alternatively, choose a Composable Link that will wish those who receive it the best future possible. “Make a wish” because when dreams and wishes come true, life doesn’t get any better!

Are you looking for more ideas for a special school graduation gift? The Composable collection features many Links that are perfect for the occasion and that allow you to create a personalised bracelet for a loved one. Choose the perfect Links for him and her and create a Composable bracelet to mark a school graduation in just a few steps!

Alternatively, you can select one of our pre-made Composable bracelets, which are perfect for both him and her!