Personalised Birthday Gifts & Jewellery

Discover all of Nomination's birthday gift ideas: men's, women's and children's jewellery that’s, for a truly special present for the people you love! Trendy, high-quality jewellery made with the finest materials: stainless steel, yellow and rose gold, sterling silver, bright gemstones, coloured Cubic Zirconia and enamels. Among our accessories you’ll find the perfect gift for every occasion and for all the people you care about the most, whether they’re family or friends! What are some of our gift ideas for your loved ones on their birthdays? Elegant necklaces, bracelets for him and her, precious rings, fashion earrings, cufflinks for him and watches. Browse our catalogue full of great ideas and choose meaningful gifts for all the people you care about the most.

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Items 81-120 of 197

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  1. Extension ring Oval and stones Bracelet with details in yellow PVD
    Extension ring Oval and stones
    + colours
  2. TrueJoy necklace with etched Stars Decorated necklace in sterling silver with CZ
    TrueJoy necklace with etched Stars
    + colours
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